How do I Become a Health Inspector?

There are many different types of health inspection jobs, each with its own set of requirements for those who want to work as inspectors. Most people think of a health inspector as someone who inspects restaurants to ensure that they are operating in a safe and sanitary manner, in accordance with state or country regulations. Other jobs with the title of health inspector or environmental health specialist include those whose primary responsibility is to inspect housing units or public environments such as public swimming pools, nursing homes, and day care centers. Some inspectors may be qualified to look into the health and safety of a variety of items.

With a high school diploma and on-the-job training, some people can work as health inspectors. They may have to sit for exams that their employer has prepared them for or apply for certification. Because a health inspector frequently writes reports about his or her findings, good communication skills are required. As a result, students in high school should make it a priority to excel in English classes.

While some people can become health inspectors with just a high school diploma, others may require additional training. There are some A.A. degrees that concentrate on inspection in specific fields. People may need to pursue bachelor’s degree training more frequently. Graduate work is required in a few jobs so that the inspector has sufficient training to spot any potential health hazards. This, too, will be dependent on the industry in which people work. Inspectors have an A.A. degree or higher in their field, with about a third of them having only a high school diploma.

Those wishing to work as a health inspector may need certification in their field of expertise, though this is not always required. The Board of Certified Safety Professionals, the Indoor Air Quality Association, and the Council on Certification of Health, Environmental, and Safety Technologists are some of the certifying agencies in the United States. Due to the large number of certifying agencies, it’s important to check with local agencies that employ inspectors in various areas to determine which certification is appropriate.

In most fields, a person who wants to become a health inspector must train for the job, and the best way to figure out what training is required is to look at the requirements in each field. Regardless of training, health inspectors must be prepared to work in potentially hazardous environments, and they must be able to deal with people who are upset that their workplaces are being inspected, especially if they work for the government. At other times, businesses or organizations strictly adhere to all safety regulations.