How Do I Become a Casino Host?

To become a casino host, you must go through a series of steps. You may need extensive experience working in sales or client relations for an entertainment or customer service related industry, depending on the type of casino you want to work in. To become a casino host, you’ll need to develop and demonstrate a variety of social skills, such as how to accommodate client requests and manage client expectations, in addition to client management skills. You’ll need experience managing subordinates, adhering to casino policy in a variety of areas, and building long-term relationships with a growing number of casino customers.

In general, the best way to get a job as a casino host is to apply for and get an entry-level position in the type of casino where you want to work. There are a variety of entry-level positions available, but the most relevant are dealer, receptionist, or front desk staff worker. You’ll need an entry-level position that involves as much direct contact with casino customers as possible. Avoid taking entry-level jobs that don’t require much interaction with the public, such as maintenance or security. A position as a dealer of any kind may be the best way to prepare for a career as a casino host because it allows you to interact directly with the casino’s customers and build a foundation for bringing back repeat customers.

You may not need to look for an entry level position if you already have a lot of experience with one-on-one sales, building a client base, or interacting with the public on a regular basis. You might be able to move right into a position as a casino host. Because the majority of casino host jobs are found through the professional networks of existing casino employees, it may be more difficult for you to find one on your own. Inquire about open positions as a casino host with anyone you know who works in a casino, especially in casino management.

A casino host’s job requires you to interact directly with customers who want to place bets on various games. If your casino has a hotel, a bar, a restaurant, or other amenities, you can use your position as a casino host to entice potential gamblers to play in exchange for free gambling tokens, free drinks and meals, discounts to local attractions, or a free room at the hotel. To keep the client’s gambling money with the casino, the trick for a casino host is to figure out what combinations in a compensation package work best for each individual client.