If you want to work as a fiberglass laminator, you’ll need to apply to a company that makes various components out of fiberglass. The process of becoming a fiberglass laminator is simple: it is typically an entry-level position and one of the least desirable on the manufacturing floor. When applying fiberglass materials to a mold, you must be able to work in a bent-over position for long periods of time. Before the resin hardens completely, you may need to roll the air bubbles out of the lamination. Another skill that may be required to work as a fiberglass laminator is the ability to read mechanical drawings or blueprints in order to figure out how many layers of fiberglass go into each area of the component you’re working on.
The hand-layered method and the chopper gun method are the two most common ways to laminate fiberglass. If you want to work as a fiberglass laminator, you’ll probably need to know how to use both methods. Each layer of fiberglass requires the applicator to apply resin to the mat, place the mat into the mold, and roll the bubbles out of the matting before the resin begins to set or firm up, making the hand-layered method more labor-intensive. Because some components have multiple laminated layers in the makeup of a single part, this can be repeated several times between layers.
If a chopper gun is used to fill a fiberglass laminator position, an air-powered spray gun will spit small pieces of fiberglass matting mixed with a light spray of resin out of the nozzle. The chopper gun is a point-and-shoot applicator, and the desired skill is the ability to apply a consistent coating of fiberglass without leaving high spots or low areas. If you want to work as a fiberglass laminator, you should be willing and able to wear a protective suit, gloves, and a respirator.
Fiberglass is a very irritating material that some people find overwhelming. Itching is a common reaction to the material after it comes into contact with the skin. Before becoming a fiberglass laminator, you should test your skin’s ability to withstand itching applying a small amount of fiberglass insulation material to it. This is very similar to the material you’ll be working with once you’ve earned your certification as a fiberglass laminator. Even if you’re wearing protective clothing, you’ll probably come into contact with the materials on your skin.