What Does a Putting Tutor Do?

A putting tutor teaches students the skills and techniques required to make short final shots on a golf hole. Although some golfers overlook this aspect of the game, many who want to improve their skill sets seek out human putting tutors for more advanced training. A putting tutor can assist with a variety of aspects of putting, including proper form and attention to various levels of power that will cause the ball to travel in the direction that the golfer desires.

Putting tutors, in general, will walk students through the process of putting in various scenarios. These experts can focus on both long and short shots, as well as shots with difficult vectoring. They can instruct students on how to putt on a variety of greens and in a variety of situations where obstacles may present a challenge.

Because putting necessitates a high level of precision control, putting instructors may employ a variety of practice methods to help students improve their short game. This can include specific instructions on how to hold the golf club, how far back to draw the arms, or any other specific advice that will assist the golfer in successfully tapping the golf ball into the hole. A putting tutor can demonstrate these concepts to a student using a variety of tools, such as practice greens, artificial fairways, or other structures that help golfers practice ball control.

In addition to providing putting tips, a putting tutor may assist a student in getting fitted for a specific golf club. The right clubs are an important part of improving a golfer’s overall game. This element could be incorporated into a general review of putting and skill-building strategies, or it could be included as a separate component of a seminar or workshop-style program.

When looking for a putting tutor, students may discover that getting actual human instruction isn’t the only option. The “putting tutor” is often presented as a tutorial or an automated system for teaching putting skills by many tutoring services. Students who prefer a human instructor may need to specify that they prefer live putting tutors rather than a software or video tutorial. Because local putting tutors with sufficient experience and availability can be difficult to come by, some of these professionals may offer their services via webcast or other virtual platforms.