How do I Choose the Best Biology Internship?

Biology is a versatile way to start a career that uses science in a variety of fields. Getting a biology internship is one of the best ways to figure out what you want to do with your degree in biology. Internships in the biomedical field, naturalist field, industry field, and maritime field are just a few of the options. You’ll be able to choose the best internship if you know what you like best about this science and what you’d like to do for a living.

If you want to combine your passion for science with a career in medicine, a biomedical biology internship might be for you. These cover a wide range of responsibilities, but they all revolve around conducting research in a lab or on a computer. Cardiovascular science, cancer research, stem cell research, and other fields are all possibilities. The best way to find these opportunities is to contact local hospitals or research facilities.

A naturalist biology internship can be a rewarding opportunity if your goal of becoming a biologist requires a little more fresh air and sunshine. Internships in this category cover a wide range of topics, including animal behavior, ichthyology, native plant research, and even environmental pollution and its consequences. Many universities offer internships and fellowships in these fields, and a quick search on the Internet can turn up a slew of options. These internships may require you to live in a different city for the duration of your internship.

Biology careers don’t have to be strictly scholarly, and an industry-related biology internship is a great way to learn about opportunities outside of academia. Many for-profit companies offer science internships because they have numerous research needs in areas such as new product development, product effects on customers, and other consumer goods-related jobs. These are usually paid internships that can be found by going to a company’s employment website directly.

Another field of study that frequently offers a biology internship is marine biology. These internships can be very rewarding if you have a passion for aquatic life and sea creatures. Jobs can include directly caring for animals, as well as conducting research and testing to solve scientific mysteries about their lives. Internships are frequently offered by marine research departments at various universities, and you’ll have to do some independent research to find out which colleges offer marine biology internships.