What Does an Event Marketing Manager Do?

An event marketing manager is in charge of generating positive media coverage for a special event. This could include anything from a business conference or seminar to a show, festival, or book launch, to name a few examples. The event marketing manager’s job is to conduct research into the target audience or demographic and then tailor his or her advertising campaign to that group. The marketing manager may create television commercials, posters, and fliers, as well as place ads in newspapers and magazines. In order to increase sales potential for certain events, such as a book launch, the manager may organize a book tour or a series of events.

A degree in marketing or communications, as well as a certain number of years of experience, are typically required of event marketing managers. Because these individuals frequently serve as both event planners and marketers, it is common for them to have experience in both fields. Although the marketing manager may not be involved in the planning of the largest events, in many cases, marketing and event planning go hand in hand. However, it can often make developing advertising more straightforward, and marketing managers will frequently have marketing assistants on hand to assist.

An event’s marketing can take many different forms. It will almost always necessitate various forms of print and media advertising. Advertisements in magazines and newspapers, as well as posters, fliers, and mailings throughout the community, are all examples of this. For larger events, television or radio advertisements, as well as online advertising through various forms of social media and networking, are common. In some cases, the event marketing manager may make personal calls to sponsors or event participants, asking them to recruit guests on their own to ensure the event’s success.

The effectiveness of these marketing techniques, as well as the public response, must be monitored by the event marketing manager. Because the goal is to generate positive publicity and excitement for any event, the manager will want to keep an eye on the public’s reaction in order to address any issues or concerns. This can sometimes lead to new ideas for modifying advertisements or trying something different. Tracking the effectiveness of one event marketing plan can also provide insight into future event planning, which is an important aspect of an event marketing manager’s job.