What are the Different Production Editor Jobs?

There are many different roles and production editor jobs in the world of print materials production. Proofreaders, junior editors, and copy editors are just a few of the many different types of production editor jobs. Some production editors also work as desktop publishing editors and technical editors for online publishing. Production editors work as scholarly editors, symposium or volume editors, manuscript editors, sponsoring editors, acquisitions editors, and commissioning editors when it comes to academic work. Editors-in-chief and executive editors are among the management ranks, and some freelance editors work as well.

These roles are critical for the successful production of print publications and books.

While the titles vary depending on the types of duties performed and the works reviewed, the work of different production editor jobs is very similar in that they proofread and thoroughly check books and publications for content, grammar, spelling, form, and copy rights.

At publishing houses, production editors with various jobs are in charge of the work flow. When a manuscript for a new book is first received, it is thoroughly evaluated for a period of time by a team of junior copy editors before being passed on to higher level production editors. After the work has gone through this process, it is re-edited for content and form by more senior production editors, who make additional changes. The author is frequently consulted as the work is updated to ensure that the manuscript’s content remains intact and that the overall meaning or artistic appeal of the written work is not lost in the process.

To reduce the need for in-house junior editors or copy editors, many publishing houses have chosen to keep only executive level editors on staff and outsource a large portion of production editing and book proofreading since the early 1980s. As a result, the number of production editor jobs and projects that can be managed independently and supervised on a freelance basis has increased. Freelance production editors, proofreaders, and copy editors are frequently asked to “ghost write” sections of the work in order to expedite the process and get books, magazines, and novels published faster. This boosts revenue by increasing the number of print publications that can be produced.