How do I Become a Pediatric Anesthesiologist?

Pediatric anesthesiologists are medical doctors who specialize in administering anesthesia to children who are undergoing surgical or invasive medical procedures. They are well-versed in the issues that arise when caring for infants and children in operating rooms. A person who wants to work as a pediatric anesthesiologist must obtain a medical degree, complete a general anesthesia residency program, and complete a year-long fellowship in the field. A doctor can work as a pediatric anesthesiologist in a children’s hospital or an outpatient surgical center after receiving the necessary training and passing the licensing exam.

A bachelor’s degree is usually required for someone who wants to work as a pediatric anesthesiologist. By majoring in biology or a health-related subject, he or she can prepare for medical school. While pursuing their degrees, many future doctors apply for internships or entry-level medical aide positions at local doctor’s offices to gain valuable firsthand experience in the health-care field. An individual can apply to accredited medical schools and take a written national admissions exam near the end of a bachelor’s degree program.

After being accepted to a school, a student can expect to spend the first two years of his or her academic career primarily in lecture and laboratory courses. Organic chemistry, disease pathology, and physiology are just a few of the subjects that new students are taught in depth. Many schools offer anesthesiology-related courses as part of the core curriculum or as elective options for students who are interested in the field. Continuing lab work and rotating internships at a local hospital are common in the last two years of medical school. After earning a Doctor of Medicine degree, a student can apply for a general medicine internship.

The year-long internship is usually comparable to the one completed while in medical school. A new doctor can learn from and assist professionals in a variety of specialties, including pediatrics. An individual can enter a three-year residency program in general anesthesiology after completing the internship. A doctor who is a resident continues to attend lectures and labs while also working alongside experienced anesthesiologists. He or she acquires the practical skills and knowledge required to work as a pediatric anesthesiologist.

Doctors who want to work in general anesthesiology can do so right after finishing their residencies, but those who want to work as a pediatric anesthesiologist will typically need to complete additional training. A one-year fellowship is an intensive introduction to the specialty in which a new anesthesiologist works long hours in operating rooms under the supervision and guidance of mentor doctors. He or she can take a board certification exam to earn a license and begin practicing unsupervised after completing the fellowship.