How can I Prepare to be a Substitute Teacher?

Substitute teachers aren’t always required to have the same qualifications as full-time teachers. Substitute teachers must typically pass district-mandated tests, may be required to have a bachelor’s degree, and will almost certainly be fingerprinted. A substitute teacher should also expect to undergo a physical examination and a background check. In order to be considered for work, a substitute must register with all school districts in which he or she wishes to work.

If they work in a private school, some substitute teachers may be subjected to fewer requirements. A private school substitute teacher will almost certainly be required to pass the school’s examinations and be fingerprinted. A four-year college degree isn’t always required, and a teaching license isn’t always required.

You can substitute with as few as 60 college units or credits and a background check in some states. In some cases, an emergency credential is required in other states. Testing, background checks, and medical examinations may all be part of an emergency credential. Typically, the state sets a limit on how many days a person can substitute for the same class in a row. This could take anywhere from ten to thirty days, excluding weekends.

In general, application fees, health exams, tests, and fingerprinting will cost between $100 and $200 US dollars (USD). As a new substitute teacher, you should expect to have to dig deep into your pockets before landing your first job. The amount of time it takes to complete paperwork varies. Within a few weeks, some school districts may be able to provide emergency credentials. Others may take a month or longer to complete. If you want to start working as a substitute teacher in September, start your paperwork and preparations late May so you can start working when school starts.

Knowing the teachers for whom you might work as a substitute teacher can also be beneficial. Many parents, for example, volunteer as substitute teachers in their children’s schools. Knowing the teachers gives you an advantage because they can ask you to substitute and may be able to schedule substitute days with you ahead of time for planned absences.

Sending a brief cover letter to each teacher outlining your experience and enthusiasm can help generate requests if you don’t know the teachers or the school district where you’ll be working. A substitute teacher may become well-known a class the end of the year, depending on the circumstances. Students who are more familiar with you are more likely to feel at ease and respectful of you.

After you’ve obtained the necessary licensing, you might want to look into schools. To begin, obtain and read each school’s or district’s behavior policies and guidelines. Second, be familiar with school layouts. Also, be familiar with emergency procedures that will allow you to protect yourself and your students if necessary.

A substitute teacher should always arrive to classes prepared with a backup plan. Your job will ideally be to stick to the teacher’s schedule. A schedule may not have been made if a teacher is seriously ill. As a result, you might want to prepare for jobs having back-up activities that are specific to the subjects you intend to teach. It can also help to take more difficult students and turn them into classroom experts on procedures or current topics being studied in class. This frequently aids in the reduction of behavioral issues.

As a substitute teacher, you should expect some behavioral issues, particularly from students in middle and high school. Involve the administration when these become significant. In the absence of a teacher, a principal or dean is frequently the best person to supervise children who are disrespectful. Work on commanding respect from your students treating them with respect. Students who want to behave will often seek out a substitute teacher who is kind and consistent.