A registrar is someone who keeps track of official records in a database. Because all universities and other academic institutions rely on registrars to keep accurate and detailed records, many people associate this profession with education. However, registrars can work in a variety of fields. Registrars, for example, keep current records of stock and bond holders, and they also handle the registration and databasing of domain names in the financial sector.
If you want to be a registrar, you should have a good memory and the ability to handle input from multiple sources at the same time. On a daily basis, registrars deal with inquiries, information requests, and the processing of new information, sometimes all at once. You must also be able to work under pressure; during peak demand, a registrar may be dealing with hundreds of complex registrations at once, all of which must be processed quickly while remaining accurate. If a registrar fails to perform his or her duties, serious consequences can result.
A registrar typically enters all new entries, such as new students at a college, into a database. These records may need to be updated on a regular basis to reflect information such as academic standing and outstanding debts. A registrar may also be expected to reconcile lists in the financial field, demonstrating, for example, that all of a company’s stock is accounted for and that no cases of double registration exist. Other people may request access to these records; for example, students may ask for transcripts from the registrar.
In some academic fields, the registrar’s office is combined with admissions. This is typical of smaller colleges and technical schools, where a single office can handle both of these responsibilities. Keeping the offices together also reduces redundancy in records, ensuring that data is streamlined and accurate. Academic holds and routine student inquiries about school policies and academic status may also be handled by the registrar’s office.
Many registrars use computerized records, which give them access to a large, searchable database. Paper records, such as physical copies of signed legal documents, may also be handled by a registrar. For legal reasons, these databases must be kept in perfect condition, and in some cases, a registrar may be required to submit to oversight to ensure that these records are in good working order.