How Do I Become a Corrosion Engineer?

A person who wants to work as a corrosion engineer should pursue a college degree in this or a related field, as well as industry experience and membership in a professional organization. To become fully qualified and begin working in fields such as oil and gas development or chemical manufacturing, a minimum of six years may be required. Corrosion engineers research the processes that cause components to corrode in order to create better coatings, maintenance schedules, and other support systems.

A bachelor’s degree in corrosion engineering is a good place to begin. Students in school may want to look into internship opportunities in order to gain field experience and make contacts. This can be advantageous in the pursuit of a career as a corrosion engineer because it may provide applicants with more opportunities. If the opportunity to participate in research is available, it should be taken advantage of, especially by those pursuing a Master of Science in engineering.

It may be possible to begin working in the field and develop skills with a four-year degree. A postgraduate degree is required for specialized positions, such as corrosion engineering. People need more time in school to get the additional training they need for these jobs, and they should also participate in research projects to gain a better understanding of the subject. Because of the increased opportunities it may provide, students may find it beneficial to pursue postgraduate education even if they are unsure of what they want to do.

Graduates with a bachelor’s degree can apply for positions on product development and service teams at businesses in their fields of interest. This allows them to gain experience while initially being supervised by experienced engineers. As they gain a better understanding of the field and any industry-specific needs, they will be able to do more independent and self-directed work. More positions may become available after a corrosion engineer has gained several years of experience, and it may be possible to negotiate better pay and benefits.

Membership in a professional organization is another option to consider as you prepare to become a corrosion engineer. Engineer societies welcome members who meet their requirements. They can connect you with job postings, trade publications, and training opportunities. These are not accessible to the general public and can give a working engineer an advantage. Furthermore, such memberships can be useful on job applications, where prospective employers looking for evidence of a candidate’s commitment to professional development may find them appealing.