How do I Become a Criminal Defense Attorney?

Criminal law cases, such as felonies, driving under the influence (DUI), and murder, are handled by a criminal defense attorney. To practice as a criminal defense lawyer, you must complete law school and pass your local or regional bar exam. Most students interested in pursuing a career in criminal defense take extensive courses in this field of law, and some even attend a school with a dedicated program.

Once you’ve decided to pursue a career as a criminal defense lawyer, you’ll need to enroll in the appropriate educational program. You should select courses that complement your major when planning your undergraduate education. If available, a student interested in becoming a criminal defense attorney should take political science courses as well as criminology and psychology courses.

Understanding forensic sciences, such as DNA testing, can be extremely beneficial to a student aspiring to be a criminal defense attorney. Undergraduate science courses, such as biology and chemistry, should make up a significant portion of your program. Most importantly, ensure that the undergraduate institution you attend is accredited.

You must choose a law school during your final year of undergraduate studies. When it comes to choosing a law school to pursue a career as a criminal defense attorney, there are many factors to consider, including cost. If you don’t have a specific law school in mind, compare the curriculums of a few schools and pick the one that best meets your needs and expectations. Before you can attend law school in most places, you’ll have to take an admissions test. Most law schools in the United States require the Law School Admission Test (LSAT).

Law schools, like undergraduate schools, follow a set curriculum that varies by field of study. Criminal law, evidence, prosecution and defense, and investigation are all required courses for becoming a criminal defense attorney. To complete your degree successfully, make sure you meet all of your school’s requirements.

Take the bar exam for the state or region where you want to practice law after you graduate from law school. You must decide whether you want to work for a law firm or as a sole practitioner after passing this exam. Working for a small firm exposes you to a variety of legal areas, which is beneficial to your work as a criminal defense attorney. If you work for a large corporation, you usually start at the bottom and only work in your field. Working for a firm allows you to tap into the expertise of more experienced attorneys, whereas starting a solo practice does not allow you to do so.