How Do I Become a Flight Medic?

To become a flight medic, you must complete a paramedic training program, gain five years or more of clinical experience, and obtain additional certification to be qualified to provide patient care on planes. There are positions available in both the military and the civilian world. Some people use these jobs to gain experience before going to nursing or medical school, with the goal of becoming flight nurses or doctors who can provide more advanced care to their patients. Employment prospects are influenced the applicant’s level of skill and experience, as well as the region. Medical personnel in this field are frequently in high demand.

A paramedic training program is the first step for civilians who want to become flight medics. The program usually offers multiple levels of education and certification in life support techniques. This job requires a high level of paramedic certification. Paramedics in training can gain clinical experience and additional certifications that will help them when applying for jobs in hospitals or on ambulance services.

People with at least five years of experience in a critical care environment, such as an emergency room or intensive care unit, are typically sought companies looking for flight crew. If an ambulance service is overburdened, previous ambulance experience can be beneficial. People who want to become flight medics should look into additional training programs that will allow them to provide more life support services. These credentials will come in handy when applying for jobs.

Working paramedics can apply for flight paramedic positions as they become available. After carefully reviewing certifications and references, a company may hire an experienced paramedic to work as a flight medic. In some areas, certifications allowing people to provide medical care on fixed-wing aircraft or helicopters may be required. Depending on regional law, some companies may provide this training, and certifications may not be required. Inquiring about the requirements in a particular region with a working flight medic can be beneficial.

Anyone interested in becoming a flight medic in the military must enlist and complete training. After basic training, the military offers advanced training for medics, which can prepare them for service on military aircraft. Because the skills required for military and civilian flight medics are very similar, it is also possible to transfer civilian experience to the military and vice versa.