How Do I Become a Library Assistant?

Unlike becoming a librarian, becoming a library assistant usually does not require any special training. With only a high school diploma or equivalent, many library assistants are hired. In some cases, you may be able to work as a library assistant while still in high school. Experience with computers or clerical work is advantageous for an assistant position, but it is not required. As a library assistant, you can work in public or school libraries.

Typically, library assistants assist patrons in checking out books and materials from the library. They might be in charge of reshelving books and checking them in as they’re returned. Some assistants may be required to search a computerized database for books for library patrons.

Although no formal training is required to work as a library assistant, you should have a certain set of skills to succeed in the position. You must be able to pay attention to details because library assistants are responsible for finding and shelving books. A book that has been re-shelved in the incorrect location will be difficult to locate later.

Being able to operate a computer is also advantageous if you want to work as a library assistant. Because most libraries use online catalogs, you’ll need to be able to type the title or information of a book into a computer to locate it. The library will usually train you to use its database system on the job.

If you’re still in high school and want to be a librarian later in life, a library assistant position could be ideal because it will show you how a library works in general. It’s also an ideal position if you’re working your way through college because no advanced training is required and the job is usually part-time. Once you’ve worked your way up as a library assistant, you’ll be able to take on more and more responsibilities in the library. However, a master’s degree is required to become a full librarian.

Library assistant positions are available at public and college libraries. Working as a library assistant in a specialized library, such as a law library or a government library, is also an option. You might also be able to find work at a local public school library, either elementary or secondary. A bookmobile or library for the blind or visually impaired is another place to look for an assistant position.