How Do I Become a Movie Makeup Artist?

Individuals who apply makeup to film actors so that their appearances match those of the characters they portray in films are known as movie makeup artists. In addition to being able to work quickly on a movie set, these individuals must be creative and have strong manual dexterity. You can pursue a career as a movie makeup artist completing a two- or four-year degree program in this field. You should also complete an internship to improve your industry knowledge.

Attending cosmetology school is an option to consider as you pursue a career in this field. This type of post-secondary education usually lasts two years and leads to an associate’s degree. It is less than a four-year degree program, allowing a person who wants to work as a movie makeup artist to get started sooner, though his or her curricula are unlikely to focus heavily on the theater industry. Instead, you concentrate on how to apply makeup to people, as well as fixing hair, caring for nails, and providing skin treatments.

A four-year bachelor’s degree in theater is recommended for anyone interested in becoming a movie makeup artist. You must submit your most recent standardized test results, as well as your high school diploma or equivalent certification, to be considered for this type of training program. Your chosen training institution will also require you to complete an enrollment form and submit a copy of your high school transcript.

Acting and makeup application classes will teach you the skills you’ll need to succeed in this field. For example, you’ll need to learn how to apply makeup to an actor or actress while paying close attention to the lighting on a movie set. As you work toward becoming a movie makeup artist, your classes should also cover how to apply makeup in a way that allows a person to appear to have wounds or other features required for various movie scenes.

It is critical to gain field experience through an internship in order to succeed in this competitive field. If you want to work as a movie makeup artist, you can look for these types of opportunities at film production companies. As an intern, your goal should be to research the time period in which a film is set, determine what makeup applications will make the production realistic, and then transform actors and actresses into new characters using makeup and even prosthetics.