How do I Become a Pediatric Radiologist?

Diagnostic imaging tests are performed and analyzed pediatric radiologists to describe health conditions in patients under the age of 18. They give other pediatricians and surgeons the data they need to treat a variety of injuries and illnesses correctly. To work as a pediatric radiologist in most countries, you’ll need a lot of education and hands-on experience. A person must typically complete four years of medical school, four years of residency training, and one to two years of specialty fellowship training. A radiologist can work in a children’s hospital, general hospital, specialty clinic, or private practice after completing training and certification.

To prepare for medical school, a person interested in becoming a pediatric radiologist can enroll in a four-year college or university. With a focus on premedical studies, a student can major in biology, medical technology, or nursing. While pursuing their bachelor’s degrees, many undergraduates look for internships or entry-level positions as radiology technicians to gain practical experience in the health care field. A student can take a medical college admissions test near the end of undergraduate school and send application materials to accredited medical schools.

Once accepted into a medical school, advisers and mentoring professors can assist a student in developing a degree plan that will give him or her the best chance of becoming a pediatric radiologist. In addition to the core classes required of all future medical doctors, aspiring radiologists can enroll in advanced diagnostic and inter-operative imaging technology courses. They learn how to perform x-rays, computed tomography scans, magnetic resonance imaging screens, and a variety of other specialized radiologic procedures. While pursuing their degrees, students frequently take laboratory classes and rotate through hospital internships to broaden their knowledge of the field.

A medical school graduate interested in pursuing a career as a pediatric radiologist should apply for a radiology residency position at a general hospital. The majority of residencies last four years and include a mix of independent research, lectures, and hands-on training. A resident has the opportunity to perfect his or her skills while working under the supervision and direction of experienced radiologists. After completing residency training, a person can sit for a national exam to become board certified as a radiologist.

Many doctors practice general radiology after completing their residencies, but those interested in becoming pediatric radiologists must typically complete a one- to two-year specialty fellowship. A radiologist learns about the unique concerns that come with diagnosing and treating adolescents, children, and infants during a fellowship. Certain diagnostic procedures, as well as the outcomes they produce, are very different for children and adolescents than they are for adults. Established pediatric radiologists teach new doctors specialized techniques. A radiologist can take an additional certification exam and work unsupervised after completing a fellowship.