How Do I Become a Reporting Analyst?

Reporting analysts are data miners and analysts who assist managers and executives in making well-informed business decisions. While reporting analysts work in a variety of industries and fields, it is common for them to have extensive experience with information systems and data analysis models. To work as a reporting analyst, you’ll need at least a bachelor’s degree in a field like information systems or computer science, as well as a solid grasp of complex mathematical principles like statistics and probability. It’s also important to take advantage of internship opportunities and work as an assistant to more experienced senior or lead consultants for a number of years. A person interested in becoming a reporting analyst can also benefit from joining related professional organizations and continuing their professional development.

Reporting analysts can work as full-time consultants for businesses or as contract analysts who are hired for a specific period of time to analyze data and offer practical solutions. It’s common for reporting analysts to specialize in certain areas. A reporting analyst, for example, who specializes in using data analysis to improve information systems, might work for a technology company, whereas a business intelligence analyst might help companies stay competitive in their markets.

While it is possible to find work as a reporting analyst without a graduate degree, it is often much easier to find a good job with a high level of education. This is especially true for those who want to work in more competitive job markets or in fields where professionals are required to have extensive training. Graduate degrees, for example, may be beneficial for people who want to work as reporting analysts in fields where professionals use cutting-edge information systems, as well as for people who want to work in urban areas with strong financial sectors.

It’s also critical to gain experience while pursuing your degree. Internships often provide students with their first opportunities to apply classroom principles and practices to real-world situations, which can be a huge benefit to anyone aspiring to be a reporting analyst. After college, many employers consider internship experience to be equivalent to real-world experience.

If you want to work as a reporting analyst in a management or senior position, you’ll need to get some leadership experience. One way to do this is to major in management or choose a double major in management and information systems in college. In many cases, once you’ve worked as an assistant or junior reporting analyst for a few years, you can start applying for project management and supervisor positions. Some companies provide management training to their top performers.