In most cases, becoming a reproductive endocrinologist necessitates an 11- to 13-year commitment to the field’s education and training. To begin, you must complete high school or obtain a general educational development (GED) diploma before applying to colleges. You will typically spend another four years in medical school after completing four years of college. After completing medical school, you will most likely be required to complete a three-year obstetrics and gynecology residency, which is a type of hands-on training. To become board certified as an endocrinologist, you may need to complete an additional two years of specialty training.
You will almost certainly need to spend years on preparatory education before you can begin studying medicine in depth. To get into college in most places, you’ll need a high school diploma or an equivalent credential. Once you’ve started college, you’ll almost certainly need to earn a four-year degree, which is known as a bachelor’s degree in many places. When pursuing a career as a reproductive endocrinologist, however, you aren’t required to choose a pre-medical major. Medical school admissions committees will usually accept almost any major as long as you take a significant number of science courses.
The rest of your education will usually be devoted to studying to become a doctor and preparing for your chosen specialty. Medical school usually lasts four years, during which time you will learn both in the classroom and in a clinical setting. To become a reproductive endocrinologist, you must first complete an obstetrics and gynecology residency, which can last up to three years after medical school. Finally, in order to become a board-certified reproductive endocrinologist, you will most likely need to complete an additional two to three years of training in the reproductive endocrinology field.
If you want to work as a reproductive endocrinologist, you’ll need to pass a few important exams. To gain the right to practice medicine, you must first pass a medical exam in most cases. After completing your residency in obstetrics and gynecology, you will most likely need to retake an exam to become board certified in this field. After you’ve completed the specialty training required to become a reproductive endocrinologist, you’ll need to pass one more exam. You will be board certified as a reproductive endocrinologist if you pass the exam.