How do I Become a Road Manager?

Many musicians are unable to handle the business side of a successful musical tour while also focusing on the artistic side because there are so many separate parts to a successful musical tour, ranging from travel to venue, personnel, and more. They frequently require the services of a road manager to deal with this. If you work as a road manager, you’ll be in charge of the business side of the tour so that the music doesn’t suffer. To work as a road manager, you must understand all aspects of a tour and be a great communicator and problem solver.

Although there are no formal educational requirements for becoming a road manager, this does not negate the value of attending school. Business management, accounting, communication, and music courses can help you stand out in a field where art and commerce collide. You might be able to become a road manager if you are good at dealing with people and logistics.

Because the venues are constantly changing, every tour is unique for a road manager. However, on any tour, a road manager’s primary responsibility is to get the musicians from one show to the next while also resolving any issues that arise. A road manager must work closely with each venue to ensure that the musicians’ lighting, equipment, and lodging requirements are met. In order to ensure a smooth show at each stop, road managers must also resolve any interpersonal issues that arise between the musicians and crew. Road managers are also in charge of the tour’s finances, which includes ensuring that each venue pays on time, filling out the necessary paperwork, and paying the crew and musicians from the funds received.

If you want to work as a road manager, there are several ways to get ready for this challenging job. Professionals in road management frequently begin their careers at a local club or venue to gain experience with scheduling, equipment, finances, and dealing with sometimes difficult musicians. Being a musician also gives you valuable experience because many smaller bands have to handle all aspects of touring on their own, and a small tour can almost act as an internship. Working as an equipment manager, lighting director, sound man, or other position on a road crew is another way to gain the necessary experience to fully comprehend how tours are put together. Working for a local production company that schedules shows, collaborates with venues, and promotes concerts could also help you prepare for a career as a road manager.