How Do I Get a Bachelor of Dance Degree?

A Bachelor of Dance degree can be obtained in a variety of ways, and there are several types of degrees available. The procedure varies depending on the type of certificate you want to obtain and the type of institution from which you want to obtain it. You must ensure that you meet the admission requirements of the college or university to which you wish to enroll, as well as conduct the necessary research to ensure that the institution to which you apply meets your requirements. After being accepted into a bachelor’s degree program, the process for completing the degree varies depending on the type of degree you want to pursue.

You must complete approximately 60 hours of lower division, general education coursework that focuses on subjects other than dance and performance art, regardless of the type of Bachelor of Dance degree you wish to earn. To meet the most basic requirements in math, science, and language, you may be able to take several proficiency tests. You will progress to the upper division of the Bachelor of Dance degree once you have completed the lower division coursework.

If you want to pursue a Bachelor of Fine Arts in dance, your upper division coursework will consist of workshops that will help you refine your dance form as well as lectures and seminars that will teach you about more theoretical, abstract concepts in dance and other performing arts. If you want to get a Bachelor of Contemporary Art (BCA), you’ll spend more time in the classroom learning about current dance and performance elements. In comparison to a Bachelor of Fine Arts in dance, a BCA is less focused on practical application of dance technique.

You can also structure your upper division coursework to earn a Bachelor of Arts in dance performance, which is similar to a Bachelor of Fine Arts but emphasizes dance performance. You can also pursue a Bachelor of Dance Education, which will prepare you to teach others dance fundamentals as well as other aspects of dance and the performing arts. A bachelor’s degree in dance education focuses on the fundamentals of teaching a performance art to students of various skill levels in a variety of dance styles, ranging from ballet and ballroom to modern and interpretative.