How do I Become a Soil Conservationist?

You’ll need an interest in environmental science, a natural desire to get your hands dirty and learn more about the earth, and a degree in soil conservation or a related field to become a soil conservationist. Because there are few educational institutions that offer specialized study in the field of soil conservation, many soil conservationists in the field hold degrees in environmental science, biology, or forestry. The government employs the vast majority of those in this field.

An active interest in environmental science and a natural aptitude for it are the foundations of a career in soil and water conservation. Environmental science is the study of the earth’s physical and biological systems with the goal of finding solutions to environmental issues. This topic can be discussed as early as high school, and if it piques your interest and you think it’s something you’d like to pursue as a career, you can take the next steps to become a soil conservationist.

Workers in this type of environmental job must get up close and personal with the material they’re working with, which in this case is soil. When you work as a soil conservationist, you can’t be afraid of getting dirty. To assist your employers in identifying problems, troubleshooting erosion issues, maintaining high water quality, and avoiding contamination of water and soil, you will need to analyze soil and water. You will spend a significant portion of your workday outside, working in the elements. It’s also worth noting that you won’t be working in idyllic, pastoral settings; you’ll most likely be working on cattle farms, oil fields, or areas with contaminated water supplies.

The most important step in becoming a soil conservationist is to find the right post-secondary education. Most colleges and universities offer an environmental science degree, which covers soil conservation as well as a number of related fields. Because you’ll have a hard time finding a school that offers a soil conservation degree, the environmental science option will most likely be your best bet. You could also pursue a degree in biology or range management, as well as a career as a forestry specialist or conservation scientist, all of which will allow you to work in soil conservation.

Those who work in this field typically spend a lot of time away from the office, putting in long hours in the field. Soil conservation may not be for you if your career goals include sitting behind a desk. A career as a soil conservationist, on the other hand, may be ideal if you enjoy solving environmental problems, working to prevent forest fires and soil and water contamination, and getting dirt under your fingernails.