How Do I Become an Abaya Designer?

To work as an abaya designer, you should have formal training in fashion design, as well as sewing, textiles, and pattern making. You will need to develop an understanding of the cultural and design aspects of abayas in addition to fashion-specific training. You may need to relocate to a fashion industry center where you can work closely with manufacturers of Islamic clothing designs if you want to sell your designs to a major abaya manufacturer so that they can be mass-produced and sold. After becoming an abaya designer, you also have the option of not affiliating with major manufacturers and instead selling your designs on your own or affiliating with a small manufacturer or retail shop.

The abaya is a robe or cloak worn women in Saudi Arabia and other Gulf region countries. Abayas are designed to cover a large portion of the body in order to comply with Islamic modesty standards. The abaya is a loose-fitting garment that covers a woman from her neck to her feet. With their abaya, women usually wear a headscarf and may also wear a face veil. Wearing an abaya or similar clothing is required law in some countries.

Your quest to become an abaya designer will require you to learn the fundamentals of fashion design. You will be able to attend fashion design school in a variety of locations. You should take art and sewing classes in preparation for this formal training, as both skills will be necessary as you begin your new career. You will learn how to construct a garment, select textiles, and use appropriate embellishment techniques while studying fashion design. You can also learn about different design innovations that you can use in your garments to ensure a good fit and a pleasing appearance.

Learning to design abayas that are culturally appropriate is another consideration when becoming an abaya designer. Because abayas are frequently worn as a form of religious observance, it’ll be crucial to know how your designs are perceived others. Wearing an embellished or brightly colored abaya may be frowned upon in some cultures, while colorful designs may be appreciated in others. You will have a better chance of selling your designs and establishing a profitable career if you gain a better understanding of how an abaya works as well as your market.