How do I Become an Exhibition Designer?

To work as an exhibition designer, you’ll need a bachelor’s degree in design or a related field, as well as work experience. Without going to college, it is possible to become an exhibition designer, but it will take much longer and some job opportunities may be unavailable due to degree requirements. Museums, galleries, zoological parks, and companies that specialize in building exhibits for conferences and expositions are all hiring in this field. Pay varies depending on a person’s skill level and the type of work they do.

To do their job well, exhibition designers require a variety of skills. They must have good aesthetics and the ability to design and create an exhibition with visual interest that is appropriate for the content they are displaying; for example, a Holocaust exhibit is not the right place for bright colors and cartoon figures. They’ll also need hands-on design skills, the ability to build physical models, and the ability to work with software to create plans for a full-scale exhibit. They also require training in a field of interest in order to create informative and useful exhibits.

If you want to be an exhibition designer, you should take art and design classes in college. It’s a good idea to pursue a degree program in art history, exhibition design, curation, or related fields if a school offers one. Simultaneously, people should pursue training in their chosen field. People who want to create educational displays at zoos should have a background in biology, wildlife management, and other related fields. A history degree is required for anyone who wants to work on exhibits at a museum.

To receive the best possible training while working as an exhibition designer, a prospective exhibition designer may want to apply to a master’s in exhibition design program. People who complete such programs gain advanced skills as well as access to internships and job opportunities that aren’t open to the general public. Students interested in trade show and exposition design, for example, may be able to work with designers for major events to gain valuable portfolio credits while learning more about the mechanics of the job.

Students should begin building an exhibition design portfolio while still in school and take advantage of internship and job opportunities. A portfolio is essential for someone who wants to work as an exhibition designer after graduation. On-the-job training is an important part of the job, and as employees take on more responsibilities and begin designing their own exhibits, they will have more portfolio items to add to their resumes, boosting their employability.