How Do I Become an IT Security Specialist?

A strong educational background in computer science and programming with a focus on security is typically required to become an Information Technology (IT) security specialist. A bachelor’s degree is often preferred for this type of position, though an associate’s degree may suffice, and employers frequently seek additional certification in computer security. You should also have a basic understanding of various networking applications and security protocols. Many employers value prior experience, so look for ways to gain professional experience in IT or risk management to advance your career as an IT security specialist.

One of the first steps toward becoming an IT security specialist is to obtain the education and training that potential employers are looking for. Obtaining an associate’s or bachelor’s degree in computer science is a good place to start, and taking information security courses whenever possible is a good idea. Higher-level degrees, such as a master’s degree, are available at some schools, but they are typically required only those interested in conducting research or working in management positions at major corporations or government agencies.

As you finish your degree, look for opportunities to demonstrate additional information security knowledge and specialization in order to advance your career as an IT security specialist. Some organizations and schools may offer special information security certifications that you can use to supplement your education. Companies that specialize in networking applications, as well as professional organizations for those interested in working in the field of information security, may offer these.

After you’ve completed your education and training to become an IT security specialist, you should look for ways to gain professional experience. This may necessitate working in a more general IT role, such as honing your skills while setting up and administering networks for a variety of businesses. These positions can often lead to opportunities to advance in a company’s security department or to demonstrate your knowledge of various IT security issues and concepts.

Because IT security specialists are so closely involved with the security of networks and potentially sensitive internal data, you should expect to be subjected to a background check before being hired. These requirements may be even more stringent if you want to work as an IT security specialist in the government or military. You should also have excellent communication skills, as you will need to communicate with managers and corporate officers, as well as other employees, to ensure that security issues are resolved successfully.