How do I Become an MCP?

A Microsoft® Certified Professional (MCP) is an expert on a specific Microsoft® product or technology who has been recognized by Microsoft® as such. A candidate must pass the applicable certification exam administered by Prometric in order to earn the MCP credential. Microsoft® Certified Systems Administrator (MCSA), Microsoft® Certified Systems Engineer (MCSE), Microsoft® Certified Database Administrator (MCDBA), Microsoft® Certified Application Developer (MCAD), Microsoft® Certified Solution Developer (MCSD), and Microsoft® Certified Desktop Support Technician are some of the different certifications available (MCDST).

Prometric has testing centers in a variety of countries, and exam appointments can be made through their website. Exams must be taken at a Prometric-certified testing center; certification cannot be obtained online. Exams are given in a variety of languages, and if an official Prometric Testing Center is not available in a particular area, certified testing centers can be found at private companies as well as local colleges. Each of the certification exams has a fee associated with it.

Each type of MCP certification has its own set of requirements, but the majority of them include a minimum of two core exams and one or more elective exams. On the Microsoft® website, you can find preparation guides. Despite the fact that candidates for each type of certification typically have a few months of professional experience with the technology they will be testing, there is no requirement for experience to schedule a test. Obtaining working knowledge of each technology on the job, of course, greatly increases the chances of passing the extensive certification exams.

The exam format has been updated to include simulation technology, which allows candidates to demonstrate their knowledge by demonstrating real-world application of various technologies. Candidates may wish to use Microsoft® e-learning or classroom training in addition to general experience and reading the preparation guides available on the Microsoft® website. It’s best to double-check the exam requirements ahead of time. Though core exams cover all of the fundamental material, most types of certification allow candidates to choose from a variety of elective exams, allowing them to practice specific skills.

It’s critical to keep an MCP credential current once you’ve earned it. Technology advancements necessitate continuous education for professionals in order to stay abreast of changes that may affect the technologies they and their customers use. When Microsoft® upgrades its technologies, those who hold an MCP credential can usually skip some of the new tests that are required when an old exam is retired, but they must pass any exams that cover new information to keep their certification current.