What Does a Military Journalist Do?

A military journalist is a journalist who contributes stories to the military’s internal media, as well as government agencies interested in military activities. When the mainstream media requires images, press releases, or other materials for reporting on military topics, such journalists may provide them. Military journalists, also known as communications or public affairs specialists, disseminate information via internal broadcasts, print publications, and other forms of media.

Print, radio, and television journalism are all taught to military journalists. Some may pursue a career as a photographer, while others may pursue a career as a writer. Military news is developed entirely internally, with no outside sources, so editors and other production personnel are also required. The majority of militaries expect journalists to remain impartial; their goal is to report information, not to comment on it or provide editorial commentary on global events.

A military journalist, like other journalists, often chooses a beat to focus on and collaborates with an editor to discuss and develop stories. Interviews, embedded journalism, and other projects can be proposed by journalists. They are given free access to personnel and locations to collect information for distribution, though they are barred from handling certain sensitive materials. They report on topics ranging from new food services contracts at bases to wounded warriors receiving treatment in military hospitals, and they are given free access to personnel and locations to collect information for distribution.

As a military journalist, you may be required to travel to various locations and interact with a variety of people. As with other military members, the job requires attending boot camp and completing physical training. Journalists must meet fitness standards and be able to operate weapons, as well as follow the chain of command, receive promotions, and work within the military structure to advance their careers. Military journalists, like other creative professionals in the military, can transition their work to civilian careers if they so choose, and they typically keep portfolios or reels with samples of their work.

A military journalist can provide photographs, press releases, film and radio clips, and other materials for outside communications with the military’s permission. For example, if the mainstream media wants footage of a new weapon in testing, it can contact the public relations office to see what’s available. A military journalist can also work with military personnel to prepare them for interviews and public appearances such as press conferences, so they know how to answer questions and convey information clearly without compromising confidential information or providing confusing or contradictory quotes on military topics.