How Do I Choose the Best Archaeology Program?

You can choose the best archaeology program for you based on the type of archeology you want to study, the scope of the course offerings, and the potential archaeology jobs and internships available to you after you finish your undergraduate archaeology work. Faculty with extensive field experience as historians or archaeologists are often found in prestigious archaeology programs. Many comprehensive archaeology degree programs provide students with solid foundations in cultural studies, anthropology, and accepted excavation techniques for various historical artifacts.

Depending on faculty backgrounds, school location, and sometimes student interests, different colleges often have different focuses in their archaeology degree programs. In a coastal region, an archaeology program may place a greater emphasis on underwater archaeology as well as local historical anthropology. Archaeological studies of specific historical cultures, such as ancient Rome or medieval Europe, may be available at other schools. Because you will spend at least four years studying them in depth, the best type of archaeology program for you should ideally be one with course topics that capture your passion and interest.

Another deciding factor in which type of archaeology program is best for you is the type of degree awarded. Many community and technical colleges offer two-year archaeology degrees that will prepare you to transfer to a four-year undergraduate archaeology program. A two-year degree may only qualify you for a few job opportunities in this field, so if you want to work in museums or excavation sites, you’ll need to continue your education. Advanced graduate degrees in your specific archaeology concentration will typically qualify you for jobs with the most responsibilities and rewards. Teaching college-level archaeology usually requires a graduate degree as well.

Many good archaeology programs include fieldwork because it gives students extensive hands-on experience locating, excavating, and preserving delicate artifacts at various dig sites. Undergraduates with archaeology degrees that include this type of practical coursework are more likely to be hired for a variety of jobs or internships soon after graduation. A good archaeology degree program will include a good mix of classroom learning, field experience, and laboratory sessions where students will learn how to analyze recovered artifacts. One of these programs may also require you to complete a final project or research thesis as part of your graduation requirements.