How Do I Choose the Best Brown Eyebrow Dye?

The best brown eyebrow dye will produce subtle and natural results, in keeping with your hair and skin tone. It should not cause any harm to your skin or eyes, and should come with clear instructions and allergy testing advice. You can ask your beauty practitioner for her recommendations at the local beauty store or salon. Research the popular brands of brown eyebrow dye among friends, beauty publications and on the Internet.

Achieving a natural look is important when choosing the best brown eyebrow dye. Choose a brand that produces natural looking results. Ask friends which brand they use if any, and observe their results. Trial and error is often the best way to achieve a natural color that suits you. Eyebrow dye should produce subtle results because eyebrows should not overpower your other features.

If you have light hair, for example blonde tones, choose blonde eyebrow dye that is two shades darker than your natural hair color. For dark hair, for example brown; choose brown eyebrow dye that is two shades lighter than your hair. This should produce the best shade to suit your hair and skin tone.

Your hair and eyebrow colors should be in harmony with each other but not match exactly, or risk they looking unnatural. Eyebrow dye will be available from your local beauty store or salon. Ask your beauty therapist or beauty store assistant which brands are most popular and effective. They should recommend the best brown eyebrow dye to subtly accentuate your eyes.

Choose eyebrow dye or a tinting kit that contains clear instructions. Know that it is a reputable brand if it clearly explains a proper sensitivity testing process. The best brown eyebrow dye for you will not cause any allergic reactions. Follow the instructions for the allergy test carefully, usually involving putting the dye on an area of skin such as your elbow, in advance of dying your eyebrows. Check that the product has been properly tested and that the expiration date has not passed.

The best brown eyebrow dye need not be expensive. Buy the best dye within your budget. It is sensible however to choose a reputable and known brand in a well presented package. Be aware that excessively cheap dyes purchased from unknown sources may be more likely to cause skin reactions.

Never buy an eyebrow dyeing product that doubles up as a hair dye. Brown eyebrow dye should be easy to remove with a cotton pad and should not excessively stain your skin. Apply petroleum jelly around your eyebrows to prevent this from happening.