How Do I Choose the Best Deodorant for Excessive Sweating?

When choosing a deodorant for excessive sweating, it is important to read the label on the product to determine whether it actually contains an antiperspirant, as deodorants provide protection only against odor, not sweating. After ensuring that you are actually using an antiperspirant and you find that it doesn’t control your perspiration well, you may wish to switch brands, select an antiperspirant specifically for those who perspire heavily, or see your doctor about prescription-strength antiperspirants or other medical treatments. In addition, you should make sure that any product you choose is comfortable to wear and does not irritate your skin.

In some cases, people who believe that they need a special deodorant for excessive sweating are in fact using a product that is not designed to control sweating at all. Instead, they are using a deodorant, not an antiperspirant. While deodorants are good at controlling body odor, they do not address perspiration. The label of any deodorant for excessive sweating that you choose should also indicate that the product is an antiperspirant. Typically, antiperspirants contain aluminum compounds, which can block sweat ducts in the skin. Antiperspirants typically come in a variety of scents and forms, so you should select one that has a fragrance that you enjoy or no fragrance at all and is of a consistency that feels good on your skin.

Unfortunately, not all over-the-counter products may be effective at controlling your perspiration. If you find this to be the case, you may wish to switch brands to see if a new brand works better than your previous choice of deodorant for excessive sweating. Your drugstore or supermarket may have a selection of travel-size antiperspirants that you can try at minimal cost. If none of these work, you may be able to find an antiperspirant that is specifically formulated to control heavy underarm sweating. Your pharmacist may be able to recommend a brand that other customers with the same problem have successfully used in the past.

If all over-the-counter options fail to provide adequate protection, you may need to speak to your doctor about your situation. There are some topical treatments that can be used in place of deodorant for excessive sweating. Other options for controlling the condition include the use of Botox, electrical stimulation devices, and even oral medications. Your doctor may also be able to assist you in determining whether there is an underlying cause for your excessive sweating and in addressing any medical problems that you may have.