How Do I Choose the Best Eyeshadow Refills?

If you’re looking for eyeshadow refills, chances are you already have an eyeshadow palette. This means probably you’ll start looking for refills with the same company from which you purchased the palette. You already know this company manufactures the kinds of makeup refills designed to fit the palette you have, and you’re already familiar with the quality of products this company produces. Still, there are situations when you might need to shop with a different company, or even try a new palette with your current company. During these situations, you might need to think about both the eyeshadow refills and the palette to hold them.

You might have an easier time shopping for eyeshadow refills with your current cosmetics company. Think about your satisfaction level with the other types of eyeshadow you purchased from the company, and if you liked those eyeshadows, you might simply purchase refills of the same type. Likewise, if you weren’t satisfied with the old eyeshadow, or you’re simply in the mood to try some new eyeshadow, browse the company’s other options. Also, your favorite type might be a discontinued eyeshadow, in which case you’ll need to choose a new one. Keep in mind the types of eyeshadow you choose should be designed to fit your existing eyeshadow palette, unless you plan on purchasing a new palette.

Depending on your situation, you might be in the market for a new eyeshadow palette, too. Maybe the company you typically shop with discontinued your palette or added a few new styles. Perhaps you want to try a new makeup brand, but you need a palette designed to hold those eyeshadow refills. Whatever your situation, if you need eyeshadow refills and a new palette, be sure to spend time browsing both products. Ideally, you’ll shop for them at the same time, as you’ll need to know which size palette you’ll need based on the number of refills you want.

If you shop with a cosmetics company unfamiliar to you, try purchasing one or two eyeshadow refills without a palette. These refills can give you an idea about the quality of the makeup, and whether you’re satisfied enough to purchase more refills and a palette to hold them. Find out if the company provides samples, or if a representative will allow you to try the eyeshadow before you purchase it. Search for consumer reviews, but be sure the review specifically is about the eyeshadows you’re considering. Also, make sure you understand the company’s return policy, should you be dissatisfied with the eyeshadow.