What Is a Cologne Spray?

Cologne spray is a fragrance combined with a carrier agent that allows it to disburse evenly when sprayed. The fragrance comes from either essential or fragrance oils, and the carrier agent is usually a combination of water and alcohol. The smell of cologne is much lighter than perfume as cologne has a lower concentration of scented oils. This lower percentage of scented ingredients results in a shorter duration of fragrance. Spray cologne typically lasts only a couple of hours, while high-concentration perfumes may last all day.

The oils that create cologne’s fragrance fall into two groups: natural and synthetic. Essential oils are extracts from natural herbs and botanicals and contain no artificial ingredients. Fragrance oils are manufactured creations that imitate desirable smells. Although fragrance oils may sometimes contain some essential oils, they still contain artificial ingredients and must be labeled as such. Some scents, such as jasmine, are so difficult to extract naturally that they become prohibitively expensive; most of these types of fragrances are usually synthetic.

Many expensive perfumes are also available as a less expensive cologne spray. A carrier agent dilutes the valuable oils that make up the perfume, creating the same scent but in a lighter version. There are cologne sprays tailored to both men and women, and some fragrance sets include soaps, body powders, and cologne sprays. Some stores create custom perfumes and sprays, personalizing the scent to the customer.

Some people choose to create their own custom cologne sprays by combining their favorite scented oils with alcohol and water. To avoid skin irritation, only cosmetic-grade scented oils are safe to use in homemade sprays. The fragrance of cologne consists of top, middle, and base notes. The top note is the first scent; it is easily noticeable and fades quickly. The middle note lasts longer and often overlaps some of the base note — the foundation of the scent and the fragrance that lingers.

There is no correct way to use cologne spray. The user may choose to spray it lightly or heavily, or they may spray it in the air and walk through the scented mist. They may spray their arms, their necks, or their whole bodies. The lighter concentration of oils limits the problem of perfume stains, so a cologne spray can scent clothes or bed linens. A light spray also freshens drawers, closets, and curtains.