How Do I Get a Permit Technician Certification?

A permit worker is a first-line employee in a city, county, or other type of building department who interacts with customers, completes paperwork, and assists applicants in obtaining necessary building permits. People interested in this line of work can receive specialized training. To become a permit technician, a person must complete all aspects of the training and pass a certification exam.

Obtaining a job as a permit technician does not necessitate certification. However, it can be extremely useful in demonstrating to potential employers that you have the necessary skills and knowledge to perform all job functions. A permit technician who has earned certification has demonstrated familiarity with building codes and enforcement, zoning, and other skills necessary for the job. If you’re already employed in the field, obtaining certification can help you advance your career and earn more money.

The International Code Council, or ICC, is the organization that oversees permit technician certification, as well as certification for a variety of other jobs in the construction industry. Before receiving credentials, a candidate must apply for, take, and pass the ICC examination. Most students prepare for the exam enrolling in classes that cover various aspects of the exam.

You must be familiar with all of the essentials required to perform the job in order to receive permit technician certification. This includes, at the most basic level, an understanding of building code enforcement and how a building department works. You’ll also need to know how to read blueprints and understand international building and zoning codes to pass the test. It’s also necessary to be familiar with the legalities of code administration.

For most people, taking a class that covers everything the test will require is the best way to prepare for the certification process. These classes are available in a variety of formats. Some building departments hire teachers to instruct employees and potential candidates, but most students must find and pay for their own classes. If you want to take the test, you can usually do so taking online classes, enrolling in a correspondence course, or enrolling in a local college that offers such a program.

Sign up for the ICC permit technician certification exam after you’ve completed the required training. On the ICC website, you can register and pay. You can usually fill out a testing application and register for the test through your school, as many schools assist students in registering for the exam as part of the course. You will be given your certification once you have passed the ICC test.