How do I Prepare for a Data Entry Test?

When applying for various types of clerical or administrative positions, it is necessary to prepare for a data entry test. In general, these tests focus on the candidate’s ability to accurately enter a minimum amount of data in a given amount of time, with only a small allowance for errors during that time frame. Typically, the data entry test will include more than one format, necessitating candidates’ consideration of several different data entry approaches as part of their preparation.

A basic typing skills test is one of the most common types of data entry testing. An individual is given a block of text to enter into a word processing document in this type of exam. The test is timed, allowing you to see how many words per minute the candidate can produce. Along with the overall word count, attention is paid to the accuracy of the data entry, which includes proper spacing according to the instructions, capitalization of words, and any errors within the text, such as transposition of letters or numbers. Errors are deducted from the total score, leaving the final score as an average word per minute.

Because many data entry jobs require candidates to enter data into a series of fields in a database, it’s not uncommon for a data entry test to also include a test of how quickly and accurately they can enter the correct data in each field and move on to the next field in the sequence without pausing. The goal is to enter the data accurately but quickly, demonstrating an ability to function at a high level of efficiency and productivity in the workplace.

It is critical to practice both of these types of data entry ahead of time in order to prepare for the data entry test. Sample tests are frequently available on the internet, allowing you to improve hand/eye coordination between a source document, your fingers, and the document or page that will receive the data. Typically, getting comfortable with the keyboard practicing data entry or text entry in general is a good way to gain confidence with the keyboard and gradually increase entry speed. To improve proficiency, make sure to use different blocks of text that include a wide range of characters, including numbers and punctuation. Simultaneously, download a sample database and learn how to enter data into a field, then quickly advance to the next field using the appropriate keys. In general, practicing for at least a few days before taking a data entry test for a potential job will boost confidence and speed, which will increase your chances of landing the job.