Should I get a High School Diploma or GED?

Choosing between a high school diploma and a general equivalency diploma (GED®) is a highly personal decision that should be guided your personal objectives. If you want to go to a four-year university, a high school diploma might be a better option. If you want to go to a trade school, community college, or technical school, a GED® may be more useful. Before deciding whether to pursue a high school diploma or a GED®, you should consult with a counselor who can help you narrow down your options.

There are a number of factors that may influence your decision to pursue a high school diploma or a GED®. Although both require study and similar knowledge, universities and employers generally place a higher value on a high school diploma. Obtaining a high school diploma, if possible, will allow you to apply to a four-year school immediately after graduation. You may also be required to pass additional exams, but many universities will not accept applicants with a general equivalency diploma unless they have already completed some college-level courses.

The main disadvantage of obtaining a high school diploma rather than a GED® is that it takes longer. You’ll need to go to school on a regular basis, whether it’s in a traditional high school setting or as part of an adult or alternative education program. Accelerated programs are available in some areas, but they usually take one or more years to complete. A GED® exam is typically self-paced, so you can study at your own pace before taking the test.

If you want to attend a two-year community college or technical school instead of a four-year university right after high school, choosing between a high school diploma and a GED® may be easier. A GED® course will allow you to continue your education more quickly than a traditional high school diploma. If you’re short on time, this could be a huge help. A GED®, for example, may be a better option if you are pregnant and want to finish your education before having the baby.

Consider speaking with a career or school counselor to determine whether a high school diploma or GED® is best for your situation. If you have specific career goals in mind, talk to him or her about the quickest and most practical way to achieve them in your particular situation. Even if you choose a GED® program, once you have completed two years at a community college or technical school, you can transfer to a four-year college.