What are Different Types of Boat Builder Jobs?

The type of vessel being built and what the factory or manufacturer requires employees to know determine boat builder jobs. Designing and constructing super yachts, for example, is not the same as building an aluminum fishing boat. Electrical components, plumbing, engineering duties, and the final product’s painting are all possible areas of focus for boat builders. People who work in this field frequently perform boat repairs as needed.

Unless the boat builder is self-employed, he or she is most likely employed a factory that mass produces a specific type of watercraft. Excessive dust, noise, and fumes from resins or varnishes used in the trade may be inhaled the employee. To mitigate these risks, safety equipment is usually provided. When working on large ships, boat builders may have to work in cramped spaces and should not be afraid of heights.

Power tools and hand tools may be required of a boat builder. Boat designers must be skilled in math as well as drafting and drawing, which may include the use of a computer. Although most boat builders can find work without a college diploma, it is often advantageous if the worker took wood shop or science classes in high school. Previous construction site experience can also be beneficial.

Fiberglass boats are made from glass fibers that are covered in resin and come from a mold. When working with lightweight aluminum, a boat builder will use sheets of the material that have been welded together. Because of the increased weight and the need for proper balance in the craft, steel hulls are more difficult to build.

Apprenticeship programs are available in some areas for those interested in a career in boat building. These programs typically last three to five years and include both classroom and on-the-job training. Depending on the employer, the apprentice may be responsible for all or part of the program costs, as well as travel expenses if necessary.

For those who want to learn how to build a boat in their spare time, boat building kits are available. They come with step-by-step illustrated instructions to guide the boat builder through the process. Wooden fishing boats, canoes, and motor boats all have popular kits.

Boat building jobs are also available in the military, but they usually require a higher level of material and design knowledge. Naval ships have more stringent maintenance requirements, which has an impact on how they are built. A job in the military typically requires advanced knowledge of complex design, materials, and tide and wave characteristics, as well as technological education. The number of boat building jobs in this area increases as a ship’s mechanical components are installed.