What are Some Different Advertising Careers?

Account services, creative services, media planning, and market research are examples of advertising careers that do not require an advertising degree. If another type of degree or diploma program is chosen, taking at least some advertising courses may be a good idea. A bachelor’s or master’s degree in business administration may be required for senior positions in account services, while copywriters and designers in creative advertising jobs may have an English, journalism, arts, communications, or advertising degree. Both media planners and market researchers must be familiar with demographics and know how to turn statistical data into useful information about a client’s target market. In research-based advertising careers, education in math, psychology, and statistics is beneficial.

Market research advertising jobs are concerned with determining the target market’s purchasing habits and other characteristics. Consumers’ reactions to an advertising campaign can be tested interviewing them and asking for their thoughts on ad copy. Assistant researcher positions are common entry-level positions in market research advertising.

Advertising media planners are primarily in charge of purchasing advertising space or television time for commercials. Careers in media planning and advertising focus on how to reach the target audience using the most cost-effective media channels. Assistant media planners work under the supervision of media planning managers or supervisors and report to them. Staff members in charge of media planning must be computer literate.

Advertising copy is written graphic designers. Junior graphic designers work in the advertising industry as entry-level employees, reporting to senior graphic designers with four or more years of experience. Junior designers can assist with ad copy layouts and storyboards for television commercials. Graphic design advertising jobs require a strong ability to visually communicate ideas.

Ad copy is written copywriters. Junior copywriters are newcomers who may report to senior copywriters with four years or more of experience. Junior copywriters can start editing copy or coming up with catchy headlines or slogans for products. Careers in advertising copywriting necessitate a curious, creative mind as well as communication skills to reach out to the target market and persuade it to take a desired action. This action could be making a purchase, clicking on an ad on a website, or mailing in a sweepstakes entry.

Both the graphic design and the ad copy are overseen creative directors. The creative director usually reports to the senior graphic designer and senior copywriter. In some ad agencies, becoming a creative director may necessitate seven or more years of copywriting or graphic design experience.

A senior manager or vice president usually oversees the account services department in an advertising agency. In this department, an assistant account executive is an entry-level advertising position, and an account executive is the next step up. Account executive advertising careers are concerned with developing strategic services in order to achieve the best possible results for an ad agency’s clients. Account executives should have excellent communication skills and know how to effectively use advertising tools and statistics to provide the best strategic results for the client’s advertisements.