What are the Different Finance Jobs?

Finance jobs can be found in a variety of industries. A finance job can be found in a financial institution or in a corporation’s or business’s finance department. Most entry-level financial positions require a bachelor’s degree, while many managerial finance positions require a master’s degree.

Bank managers are the most senior of the banking finance jobs, as they are in charge of the bank’s daily operations. They must ensure that all bank employees follow banking industry standards when dealing with money and clients. Bank managers, also known as branch managers, respond quickly to customer complaints in order to keep their clients’ business.

Banks, mortgage companies, and credit unions are all possible places to work as a finance manager. Credit managers, treasurers, and controllers are all examples of financial managers. Controllers are in charge of a company’s financial reporting and oversee the accounting department. Treasurers are typically responsible for budget management, which includes funds used for investments and mergers. Financial managers may also work for the government and must follow government budgeting procedures.

A securities analyst’s responsibilities usually include assisting investors in making financial risk management decisions. Investors and auditors are in constant contact with securities analysts. After analyzing the financial markets, they may work for a finance company or a bank and recommend mutual funds. Lenders and borrowers form real estate-based agreements, which are the focus of mortgage broker finance jobs. Mortgage brokers locate loans that are compatible with the borrower’s credit history.

Accountants are familiar with and work with a company’s or corporation’s entire financial system. Audits are performed and reports are written them. A chief financial officer (CFO) is a top executive position in a company who is responsible for overseeing the entire financial system and department. A CFO collaborates with the chief operating officer (COO), who is in charge of everything except the financial side of the business.

Working conditions and expectations are usually similar across a wide range of finance jobs. Workers in the finance industry are expected to have a mature, professional attitude and govern themselves with professional ethics when working with finances and clients, regardless of their position. Finance jobs are usually found in pleasant office settings. Senior management employees may work up to 60 hours per week.