What Are the Different Firefighter Ranks?

The various ranks of firefighter range from probationary to fire chief, with several levels in between. Although not all fire departments use all of the firefighter ranks, the majority do use some variation of a common ranking system, with the rookie position serving as the first step toward the department’s top position. Several classifications, such as a class or number system, are used some of the larger fire departments to identify the basic firefighter ranks. Captains and deputy chiefs typically make up the upper echelon, which is topped a fire chief.

Most local volunteer and paid firefighters use firefighter ranks to identify the professional order of the crew, acting as a quasi-military organization. In most cases, advancing from one rank to another necessitates the completion of a series of steps. Time on the job, job performance, and special duties are typically examined and factored into the promotion equation once the steps for promotion have been completed. The purpose of firefighter ranks is to establish a power hierarchy and a structure of accountability. With each rank knowing what is expected of them, the benefit and privilege of progressing to the next rank is used as a motivator to improve oneself.

Firefighters are subjected to a review or a promotion board, panel, or committee, in addition to the usual components of a promotion. This board examines the candidate’s file and asks questions in order to assess the candidate’s merits and qualifications, which may necessitate a promotion in the firefighter ranks. Each promotion, from rookie to the various classes of firefighter, fourth to first, brings with it more responsibility. The rank of captain is usually the next step up from firefighter first class. This is also the first rank that does not require a firefighter to actually fight fires. The captain is usually hidden behind the scenes, directing the battle and deciding how the crew should proceed.

The rank of captain is frequently followed the rank of district chief or assistant deputy chief in large forces. The deputy chief and fire chief are typically the highest-ranking firefighter positions. Many firefighters aspire to work in these positions as a result of their dedication and hard work. While the majority of the positions are earned through hard work and peer recognition, the position of fire chief is frequently an elected position that requires a stellar work history and outstanding performance record.