What Are the Different Types of Audio Typist Jobs?

Administrative professionals can choose from a variety of career paths, including transcription services. To create a transcript of the information, audio typists must listen live, listen to recordings, or both. Federal agencies, medical facilities, and other content-driven service providers may employ professionals.

Court reporters are frequently expected to attend courtroom trials and depositions and type all of the conversation that takes place. There are entry-level positions available where people can learn how to use stenography machines, which are widely used in the legal system. Following the taking of those notes, the reporter may be asked to transcribe the information from the shorthand used during the live session or to respond to any questions posed the judge.

Medical transcriptionists are an example of an audio typist position. Individuals interested in audio typist jobs in the medical field will need to be properly trained because the medical industry uses extremely specific terminology. Students should become familiar with medical billing records and learn how to use medical transcribing machinery as part of their preparation. A professional who masters these industry skills may be able to find work as an audio typist in a variety of settings, including hospitals and medical clinics. The training required for these positions may be eligible for college credit and may include job placement opportunities.

Audio typist jobs are also available as a freelance option. Certain transcription services are available for special events, such as corporate meetings that bring together professionals from various locations. Meetings may take place over several days, and the client may want to review the content of those meetings. Because it’s not always possible to record an event visually for legal reasons, audio may be the best option.

A freelancer may be hired to arrive at the meeting location, record the content of the meeting using tape recorders or other means, and take freehand notes to supplement the audio tapes. After the meetings are finished, the freelancer may gather his or her belongings and return home or to an office to resume work. The task would be to listen to all of the audio recordings of the meetings again and transcribe every word into a computer document. Compensation could be based on the number of hours worked.