What Are the Different Types of E-Learning Jobs?

E-learning is a subcategory of the training and teaching professions that uses Web-based protocols to deliver instruction. Virtual technologies enable instruction to occur between instructor and student in all e-learning jobs. E-learning jobs may include virtual conferencing, podcasts, videos, interactive Web-based sessions, or Web-based and software programs that provide self-paced instruction. E-learning jobs are available in a variety of fields.

An e-learning college or school instructor is one type of e-learning job. In a business or government setting, another type of e-learning job can be found. A career in this field would necessitate a very different path to certification than an e-learning job teaching in an academic setting. The latter would have a lot of the same training as a traditional academician, while the former might not even need a professional degree. An e-learning job in an insurance agency, for example, might entail teaching adjusters technical details about insurance claim adjustment.

Preparing materials to be delivered via the e-learning format is another type of e-learning job. A textbook, for example, was created as a teaching tool for a classroom. Someone who creates instructional materials for the e-learning environment is more likely to want to make them more interactive. Unlike a textbook, an e-book may include links or other interactive features to assist students in their learning. Those who create instructional e-books are also employed in the field of e-learning.

E-learning jobs that require teachers to prepare or teach material to students in a virtual environment are known as instructional e-learning jobs. Self-paced instruction is possible, with the trainer supervising and answering questions. Commercial training jobs are available in a wide range of fields; this teaching method is appealing because it provides users with lower training costs, more flexibility, and customized instruction.

The expertise of a teaching professional, either from industry or academia, is usually required for the development of e-learning instructional material. A corporate trainer who instructs employees using a live or prerecorded presentation, or a Web developer who programs an e-learning interface to meet a specific training requirement, are both examples of e-learning training in a teaching job. A college professor who teaches an online course is another example. E-learning jobs are becoming more common as the practice has numerous advantages. These savings could include infrastructure, travel, transit time, and access to expertise that was previously restricted geography.

E-learning also includes the creation and maintenance of the mechanisms required to provide a virtual interface for instruction. Visual communication technology can be used e-learning instructors to supplement what is often lost in face-to-face instructional modalities. In e-learning instruction, a college professor, for example, might use video presentations. Companies can use two-way conferencing in one-on-one training sessions. Because online venues do not provide the rich face-to-face communication and interpersonal interactions that occur in a classroom-interactive setting, e-learning professors face a more difficult task than their in-class colleagues.