What Are the Different Types of Jobs in Dermatology?

Dermatology is the branch of medicine that deals with the study, treatment, and pathology of skin conditions and diseases. Before practicing dermatology, most dermatologists will need to be properly licensed in their area. Dermatology jobs include everything from pediatrics to teledermatology, as well as cosmetic, procedural, and immune system research.

Dermatologists typically have a lot of experience in the field, both in terms of work and education. Most dermatology positions are competitive, requiring students to have a four-year degree, medical school credentials, and doctoral fellowships. Dermatology jobs follow a similar path, though some professionals choose to pursue certifications and specializations in other fields.

Pediatric dermatologists treat children with a wide range of skin conditions. A child’s immune system is more susceptible to disease than an adult’s. Dermatology jobs are typically found in day care centers and clinics, where they actively diagnose infections, diseases, and common skin conditions that affect infants, such as diaper rash.

Certain dermatology jobs are at the cutting edge of medical technology, with teledermatology being one of the most recent as of 2011. Telecommunication devices are used to exchange medical information via audio, photographs, and other forms of data in this medical branch. This branch of dermatology allows a dermatologist to view skin conditions in real time over the internet. Though diagnosing without seeing a patient in person is difficult, teledermatologists are frequently used to back up medical opinions.

A cosmetic dermatologist specializes in the treatment and restoration of aged skin. Cosmetic dermatologists and plastic surgeons have similar career paths, but cosmetic dermatologists focus on more superficial ailments that don’t necessitate invasive procedures. Facial peels, face lifts, and microdermabrasion treatments are some of the more common procedures performed a cosmetic dermatologist.

Procedural dermatologists are dermatologists who specialize in more invasive skin procedures. This necessitates specialized surgical training and experience. Cosmetic surgeons and procedural dermatologists have similar backgrounds, but most professionals seeking a career in procedural dermatology will need the appropriate credentials.

The study and diagnosis of ailments affecting the skin in the genital area is referred to as genital dermatology. The majority of genital dermatologists are capable of treating a variety of conditions. Some genital dermatologists are able to focus on other aspects of the field, such as disease prevention and sexual health.

Immunodermatology is concerned with the pathology, health, and structure of immune-related skin conditions such as lupus and chicken pox. Many immunodermatologists work in medical centers’ immunopathology laboratories. These experts are frequently called upon to test the safety of topical skin treatments before they are sold commercially.