What Are the Different Types of Legal Administrator Jobs?

Legal administrator positions are available at law firms and corporations with internal legal departments. The position is one of leadership, and it may require participation in multiple divisions, as well as involvement in multiple projects and court systems. Depending on the scope of the job and the employer, a law degree may not be required. A degree in business management, administration, or personnel management, for example, can help an industry professional prepare for legal administrator jobs. The majority of these positions are in management, with some allowing for more seniority than others.

Internal legal departments may exist in a variety of industries, ranging from payroll firms to publishing firms. Companies with legal departments may have openings for legal administrators. Professionals in these administrator positions are likely to interact with corporate lawyers as well as employees from other divisions of the company. In fact, before a corporate lawyer is called in, the administrator may serve as the point person for the legal team. Because legal administrators are likely to be involved in disagreements, they should have problem-solving skills.

Legal administrator positions are also available at law firms, which is unsurprising. Individuals in administrative positions may have a say in how the company is run. Financial reporting, budgeting, and human resource management may all be part of this job.

Administrative professionals working for a law firm are likely to collaborate closely with some of the firm’s top partners in order to keep other members of management informed about any urgent changes that are required. Legal administrators frequently assist in the expansion of a law firm performing recruitment functions when new personnel are hired. An employer, such as a law firm, may require formal industry training, such as the certification of a certified legal manager (CLM), an industry designation that can lead to other benefits.

Legal administrator jobs may be available at prestigious accounting firms. Given the sensitive nature of the accounting field, legal teams at these companies frequently have depth. Individuals in these positions may be in charge of assessing risk in certain activities at the company and determining when exposure is inappropriate. This high-profile position may necessitate extensive experience, including involvement with the legal system.