What are the Different Types of Plastering Courses?

There are four different types of plastering courses: basic, intermediate, advanced, and certification-level. A plastering course is designed to teach students the technical skills necessary to mix and apply plaster to drywall as part of the building or construction process. Community colleges, technical colleges, job training centers, and even some home improvement stores offer plastering classes.

Plastering courses are appealing to people who want to work as a plasterer or who want to improve their homes. Choosing the right course necessitates a combination of self-evaluation and knowledge of the required skill level. Someone who has never applied plaster to drywall but wants to finish a home renovation project, for example, should take the basic course. The certification course is recommended for anyone interested in a career as a plasterer.

The instructor will cover topics like tool selection, plaster mixing, surface preparation, and basic application techniques in basic plastering classes. This type of course usually lasts four to eight hours and can be finished in a single day. It would be especially beneficial to take a course that covers basic health and safety procedures as well as how to avoid repetitive strain injuries.

An intermediate plastering course typically lasts two days and covers how to plaster ceilings, various finishing techniques, and crack repair. Floating coats, shelves, and external plastering are just a few of the courses available. The repetition of material from the basic class can be reduced by taking an intermediate course with a prerequisite. Prior plastering experience or successful completion of a basic plastering course may be required for admission.

Trade associations and technical colleges both offer advanced plastering courses. The application of polished plaster and the creation of various textured finishes are among the topics covered in this course for experienced plasterers. In Europe, these plastering techniques are very popular, and demand in the United States and Canada is increasing. This type of course usually lasts one or two days, and only certified plasterers are allowed to attend.

Plasterers are required to be professionally certified in Europe, Canada, Australia, and parts of Asia. Plasterers must complete a specific education program from an accredited school, as well as a certain number of hours of supervised work experience, to become licensed skilled tradespeople. This program usually lasts five to eight days, and certification requires passing both a written and practical exam.