What are the Different Types of Retro Bags?

Retro bags can be a great way to make a fashion statement and to display a unique piece that not many other people have. Actual vintage bags are popular, such as airline bags, vintage purses, or even bowling bags that can be carried as a tote or large purse, just to name a few. Other styles of retro bags are simple canvas totes that may have retro images applied to them, such as an old cartoon or vintage travel postcard, among many other options. These can often be custom designed and ordered online for a fairly low price.

Actual retro bags that are antique, or vintage, may be hard to find, but can often be located in thrift or antique stores. It can be worth the effort to look, since some can be quite well made, especially if they are leather. In addition, they are often very unique, and it is unlikely that anyone else will have the same bag. These might be simple leather purses, or airline bags that were used by flight attendants at one point. Some people may also choose to use an old bowling bag as a larger vintage purse; these are just a few of the options that can be located at thrift stores. Another option is to purchase a bag that has been recently manufactured, but is designed to look vintage.

Contemporary tote bags made with newer materials, such as cotton or canvas, can be given a vintage appearance with a retro applique. These types of retro bags can often be created at home with a little bit of crafting ability, as many appliques can simply be steam ironed or sewed onto the bag. They may also be purchased in stores or online, and are typically very inexpensive. Vintage postcard images are quite popular, as well as travel images, old cartoons, or stills from older television shows or movies. These types of bags allow a lot of room for creativity in both their selection and creation.

Even something as simple as the use of color in a modern bag can give it a more retro appearance. For instance, retro bags were often manufactured in bright colors or fun patterns, so these same material colors or patterns are sometimes used in modern bags. These can be a great choice for many different types of outfits, because all of the colors mean they can be worn with many different articles of clothing. Retro bags in any design are a good way to make any outfit more interesting.