The types of special education training available vary depending on regional and local requirements for special education teachers and teaching assistants’ certification and licensing. The board of education in the state of residence regulates special education teaching requirements in the United States. Undergraduate degree programs, alternative education programs for people who already have a Bachelor’s degree, and certification training for teaching assistants are all examples of special education training. All of the programs require supervised time spent working directly with students in a classroom setting. Additional education in the form of a Master’s degree or a PhD in special education may be required in some areas.
To qualify an individual for a special education teaching license or certificate, schools that offer special education training programs must be accredited by the appropriate regional organization. This is the National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education in the United States, which is recognized by the US Department of Education. Colleges, universities, online education programs, and community colleges are all places where special education training may be offered. Before enrolling in classes or completing coursework, make sure the school or program is recognized in your area.
Traditional college or university undergraduate degree programs combine special education training with a general education degree experience. The program includes additional special education coursework as well as time spent student teaching in a supervised classroom setting. A bachelor’s degree takes four to five years to complete, and some students choose to continue their education in graduate school. Many universities offer master’s and doctoral degree programs in special education, which may include coursework and educational experience tailored to specific types of student disabilities like visual and hearing impairment, autism, and physical injuries. In some areas, obtaining certification requires special education training and education beyond a bachelor’s degree.
Alternative special education training programs are available in some areas, allowing individuals with a Bachelor’s degree to become certified as special education teachers. To become a special education teacher, these programs require classes and coursework, classroom teaching experience, and an assessment process. Alternative programs can take anywhere from one to two years to complete.
Teaching assistants are employed by many schools and special education programs to assist teachers and students in the classroom. The qualifications for these jobs vary by region, but the majority of them require at least an Associates degree from an accredited institution. Some regions require certification before employment as a special education teaching assistant, and community colleges may offer certification programs in this field.