What Are the Different Types of Writing Degree Programs?

There are several ways to obtain a writing education. For aspiring creative writers, technical writers, magazine and newspaper writers, and others, there are writing degree programs. Within these subject areas, there are writing degree programs ranging from two years to doctoral degrees available at colleges and universities all over the world. Both online and traditional face-to-face writing degree programs are widely available. Certificate programs in a variety of writing areas are also available, which are typically shorter in length.

The majority of creative writing degree programs focus on teaching people how to write fiction. The core curriculum frequently includes classes in short story and novel writing, poetry, screenwriting, and stage writing. Some creative writing degree programs may also include classes in creative nonfiction or docufiction. Literature classes are frequently included in creative writing program curriculums in order to teach people how to be stronger and more critical readers.

Technical writing degrees prepare students to write user manuals for computer hardware and software, engineering specifications, white papers, and other technical and scientific documents. Degrees in technical writing are also known as technical communications degrees. Technical writing degree programs typically include classes in how to organize and write specific types of technical documents, design and layout, technical illustration, and technical editing. Some technical writing programs are more general in nature, preparing students for a wide range of careers, while others specialize in engineering writing, medical communication, science writing, and other technical subject areas.

Magazine and newspaper writing degree programs teach students how to write for both online and print publications. Classes in magazine and newspaper writing are commonly offered as part of journalism, mass communications, and other related degrees. Some four-year journalism and mass communications degrees include specializations in magazine or newspaper writing, and master’s degree programs allow students to specialize in their field of interest. Business and professional writing are also covered in journalism degree programs.

Certificate programs in technical writing, creative writing, and magazine and newspaper writing are available for students who want a shorter educational path. Certificate programs in specific areas are also available, providing very focused training for people who want to get up to speed quickly in a specific area. Certificate programs in grant writing, resume writing, copywriting, and Internet writing are just a few examples.