What Do Bariatric Surgery Doctors Do?

Bariatric surgery is a procedure that helps people lose weight. Doctors, also known as bariatric surgeons, are doctors who specialize in performing bariatric treatment, a term that refers to stomach-altering surgical procedures that help severely overweight patients lose weight. A bariatric surgery doctor’s job typically entails performing gastric banding and gastric bypass procedures, as well as counseling patients before and after the procedures. Doctors who specialize in bariatric surgery must complete medical school and a multi-year internship, obtain a license, and, in many cases, continue their education.

The majority of bariatric surgery doctors’ responsibilities are divided into two categories: performing bariatric treatments and consulting with patients. Gastric banding, also known as laparoscopic banding, and gastric bypass are the two most common bariatric procedures. A bariatric surgery doctor places an adjustable band around part of the stomach during a gastric banding procedure, effectively limiting the amount of food the patient can eat in order to promote weight loss.

The more invasive gastric bypass procedure entails limiting the size of the stomach as well as surgically rerouting this “new” stomach to the small intestine. These measures limit both the amount of food that can be consumed and the number of calories that can be absorbed, resulting in significant weight loss. A bariatric surgery doctor must collaborate with a team of nurses, anesthesiologists, and surgical assistants to ensure a smooth procedure and recovery, whether performing gastric banding or gastric bypass.

Additionally, bariatric surgery doctors typically devote time each day to pre-operative and post-operative patient consultations. Doctors will usually evaluate medical and behavioral histories provided by primary care physicians during pre-operative meetings, help patients decide which type of surgery is best for them, and ensure that they understand the preparative measures, expected results, recovery process, and risks associated with a chosen treatment during pre-operative meetings. Before a patient is discharged from the hospital, his bariatric surgery doctor will likely perform one or more evaluations of his recovery.

Bariatric surgery doctors must complete an undergraduate degree, an accredited medical school course, and a multi-year internship in most countries. They must usually obtain a license before beginning surgical practice after completing these requirements. In most cases, they must also pursue continuing education to stay up to date on the latest bariatric treatment procedures and protocols.