A biokineticist is a medical professional who focuses on human movement and exercise. Their primary goal is to assess a patient’s physical condition and then prescribe an exercise regimen to aid in the safe healing of an injury or to improve physical fitness and quality of life. People in this field usually work in hospitals, clinics, and gyms, specializing in healthcare or sports medicine.
A four-year degree in human anatomy and movement science, as well as biokinetics, is required to work as a biokineticist. Following the completion of the degree, some countries require additional training or accreditation. Graduates in South Africa, for example, must complete a one-year internship before applying for accreditation with a government agency.
When meeting a new patient for the first time, the main goal is to assess his or her physical condition and fitness. This is significant because it determines the patient’s prescribed treatment. A biokineticist assesses a patient’s physical fitness using exercise equipment such as a treadmill or stationary bike while recording vital signs such as heart rate, blood pressure, and lung capacity. Various exercises are used to assess joint flexibility, muscle strength, endurance, and movement speed and coordination. To demonstrate the range of his or her physical ability, a patient may be asked to walk or run on a treadmill, lift weights, and perform simple exercises during the evaluation session.
The biokineticist can then create an individualized exercise regimen for the patient using all of this information. The exercise plan’s goal varies depending on the patient’s needs. The goal, for example, could be to strengthen a broken ankle after the cast is removed, or to assist a patient with a chronic condition like osteoporosis or heart disease in exercising safely. Finally, the biokineticist collaborates with the patient to put the plan into action. Showing the patient how to safely perform the prescribed exercises, providing information about exercise equipment, and possibly suggesting dietary changes are all examples of this.
The majority of biokineticists work in healthcare settings such as clinics or hospitals, as well as gyms and other sports and exercise facilities. Biokineticists may be employed corporations, government agencies, and universities as part of an on-site employee healthcare program. Some government agencies, such as those in charge of corrections and defense, may hire people in this field.
Biokineticists, on the other hand, do not always work with patients recovering from illness or injury. Some focus on sports medicine, assisting athletes in improving their performance and preventing injury. Biokineticists may be involved in the development of public health programs that focus on improving physical fitness in the general population, as well as other aspects of public healthcare policy, on a larger scale.