A biologist, in general, is prepared to pursue a wide range of careers after completing college or higher level training in the life sciences. This article will look at some of the different career paths that a biologist can take.
A biologist who works in agriculture could study agronomy, or soil science, which deals with crops, soil, and the environment. A biologist with a degree in animal science can work in the dairy industry, horse breeding, or veterinary medicine.
Limnology, the study of freshwater systems, as well as marine biology and oceanography, are all areas of aquatic science. Fisheries biology and ichthyology, the study of fish, are both related to this field. The study of marine mammals focuses on a different group of aquatic animals.
We find the other areas commonly grouped under zoology outside of the water animals. Entomology, the study of insects, and herpetology, the study of reptiles and amphibians, are both included in this category. Mammalogy is concerned with all mammals, whether aquatic or terrestrial, while Ornithology is concerned with birds. Parasitology, or the study of parasites, and virology, or the study of viruses, are both important in medicine, public health, and domestic animal care.
A biologist can teach biology in a high school or college setting, passing on his or her knowledge and understanding to future generations. Biologists also provide instruction through 4-H clubs and Extension Services, which are affiliated with state universities. A biologist can also work in a museum, zoo, aquarium, conservatory, arboretum, park, or botanical garden’s education department.
A biologist can also work in a variety of other fields, including:
Astrobiology is the study of life’s place in the vastness of the universe.
Forensic science is concerned with the overlap between biology and law enforcement.
Food science aids in the development of new foods as well as the safety of existing ones.
Neurobiology allows researchers to investigate how the nervous system influences behavior.
These are just a few of the many things a biologist can accomplish.