Pastors and church leaders can hire a church consultant to help them generate revenue and grow their congregation. People who work in these positions are sometimes referred to as business consultants, but unlike those who advise other types of businesses, a church consultant aims to provide advice from both a financial and theological standpoint. Some people in this field work for themselves, while others work for religious organizations or large churches.
Many churches are non-profit organizations that rely on donations from parishioners and other private or institutional donors to stay afloat. Parish leaders are taught different fundraising techniques by consultants, such as soliciting donations through emails or letters sent to parishioners. Some people advocate making direct sales calls to people who live in close proximity to the church’s location. Beyond existing members, consultants offer church organizers ideas for launching membership drives, such as airing commercials on local radio or television stations or organizing fund-raising events like carnivals or fairs. These individuals also review the parish’s finances and assist church leaders in developing realistic fund-raising goals based on local demographics and current membership.
A church consultant not only assists parishes in raising funds, but also offers advice on how to best utilize the funds. These people inform parishioners about different types of loans and grants. Furthermore, consultants advise churches on cost-cutting initiatives such as installing energy-efficient heating and cooling systems that will save money in the long run. In some cases, full audits are performed, and the church consultant may even recommend cost-cutting initiatives such as job elimination or the discontinuation of costly programs that provide minimal benefits to the parish. Some of these individuals are also licensed to provide tax advice, and they can assist churches in saving money by utilizing tax deductions.
Consultants are typically required to have completed college undergraduate degree programs in subjects such as business administration or management by organizations that hire them. Most employers prefer to hire people who have previously worked as pastors or who have completed theology degree programs, in addition to having certain academic credentials. Consultants frequently persuade parishioners to donate money by citing biblical passages that appear to support such behavior, so a working knowledge of church scripture is essential for anyone in this position. People who work as self-employed consultants are frequently former treasurers or office managers at large churches. Many self-employed people have a business background, just like consultants who work for large corporations.